Monday, July 4, 2011

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer -Review

Title: Twilight (Book One)
Author: Stephanie Meyer
Page Number: 544
Genre: YA
Synopsis: When Bella Swan moves from sunny Phoenix to Forks, Washington, a damp and dreary town known for the most rainfall in the United States, to live with her dad, she isnt expecting to like it. But the level of hostility displayed by her standoffish high school biology lab partner, Edward Cullen, surprises her. After several strange interactions, his preternatural beauty, strength, and speed have her intrigued. Edward is just as fascinated with Bella, and their attraction to one another grows. As Bella discovers more about Edwards nature and his family, she is thrown headlong into a dangerous adventure that has her making a desperate sacrifice to save her one true love. One of the more original vampire constructs around, this recording of Stephenie Meyers debut novel (Megan Tingley Books, 2005) is narrated with great style by Ilyana Kadushin, who makes the infinitely romantic tale of star-crossed lovers resonate with a bittersweet edge. Although Edward and Bellas romance and subsequent danger develops slowly, the pacing is appropriate for teens who want learn all the details in this suspenseful tale.

My Review: Goodness, I don’t think I ever thought that I would have accually end up reading this book. Ya know what? I wouldn’t even call it a book or novel. Books and Novels have reasonable morals and themes to them. Twlight’s moral and theme was “Fall inlove with a hot guy and that’s all that matters for the rest of your life.” Honestly, in ways it was even worst than the movie. I mean, at least in the movie I didn’t know exactly how fully obsessed Bella was. I think Meyer has potential, I mean she showed it in The Host, and that was a great but overly descriptive novel. I plan on finishing the saga, I’m on the 3rd and so far, they are all alike. Bella obsessing over some guy who just happens to be a vampire, her best friend is a werewolfe who loves her and she’s naive and the “villians” haven’t got anything on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

My Rating: 2/5 -It Was OK

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