Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Next Shakespeare -Review

Title: The Next Shakespease
Author: Wanda Ernstberger
Page Number: 23
Genre: Short Story/YA
Synopsis: Who thought a poem would trigger World War Three?
Tristan Gunner—skateboard fanatic, junk food junkie, award-winning poet. But you’d think he just got detention instead of the school’s grand prize for poetry. And even though Chris won five Math and Science awards, the next Einstein is crying because he’s not the next Shakespeare. Astra wants them both to cut the drama, and caught between a mortified winner and a crybaby loser, she hopes Chris can get over his attitude before World War Three erupts in her kitchen.

My Review: I was a little hestitant about the story itself because I wasn't too sure what it really was about. But, once the story got going it became fairly clear.
Astra's good friend Tristan has won an award for poetry. An award that Chris wanted to win. Chris is the next Einstein and eagerly devoures the awards he recieves. And he's a bit shocked when Tristan, a fellow student who can't afford unversity and isn't as talented as Chris believes he is, wins the award he really wanted to win. And that is were the story picks up.

I think the writing was very good. The characters had a good development and it was a fairly easy read. I really like the humor in it. It was cute.

I think my only problem would be the fact that the ending seemed a little rushed, but for a short story I really enjoyed it.
And it's clear that Wanda has talent and I can't wait to read more by her.

(Thank you Wanda for letting me read and review your story!)

My Rating: 4/5 - I really enjoyed it!


  1. Thanks for the review, Andrea. If you want to learn more about my writing, visit my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/infinityauthor.

    I wish all the best for you and Drowning in Books!


  2. I just finished reading this. =) We can compare notes.

  3. great review, this one's on my TBR list

  4. This sounds like a great story! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. :)

  5. I loved this story but have to admit a bias in favor of YA :)
