Sunday, August 14, 2011

In My Mailbox (2)

In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, where you post the books you've recieved for review, bought, borrowed, traded, or got from the library!

This week I bought:
Zombies Vs Unicorns (I only got this for $4 at Books-A-Million!)
It's a question as old as time itself: which is better, the zombie or the unicorn? In this anthology, edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier (unicorn and zombie, respectively), strong arguments are made for both sides in the form of short stories. Half of the stories portray the strengths—for good and evil—of unicorns and half show the good (and really, really bad-ass) side of zombies. Contributors include many bestselling teen authors, including Cassandra Clare, Libba Bray, Maureen Johnson, Meg Cabot, Scott Westerfeld, and Margo Lanagan. This anthology will have everyone asking: Team Zombie or Team Unicorn? 

 For eighteen years the Hartes and the Golds have lived next door to each other, sharing everything from Chinese food to chicken pox to carpool duty-- they've grown so close it seems they have always been a part of each other's lives. Parents and children alike have been best friends, so it's no surprise that in high school Chris and Emily's friendship blossoms into something more. They've been soul mates since they were born.

So when midnight calls from the hospital come in, no one is ready for the appalling truth: Emily is dead at seventeen from a gunshot wound to the head. There's a single unspent bullet in the gun that Chris took from his father's cabinet-- a bullet that Chris tells police he intended for himself. But a local detective has doubts about the suicide pact that Chris has described

Seventeen-year-old Lochan and sixteen-year-old Maya have always felt more like friends than siblings. Together they have stepped in for their alcoholic, wayward mother to take care of their three younger siblings. As defacto parents to the little ones, Lochan and Maya have had to grow up fast. And the stress of their lives—and the way they understand each other so completely—has also also brought them closer than two siblings would ordinarily be. So close, in fact, that they have fallen in love. Their clandestine romance quickly blooms into deep, desperate love. They know their relationship is wrong and cannot possibly continue. And yet, they cannot stop what feels so incredibly right. As the novel careens toward an explosive and shocking finale, only one thing is certain: a love this devastating has no happy ending.

Berlin 1942
When Bruno returns home from school one day, he discovers that his belongings are being packed in crates. His father has received a promotion and the family must move from their home to a new house far far away, where there is no one to play with and nothing to do. A tall fence running alongside stretches as far as the eye can see and cuts him off from the strange people he can see in the distance.
But Bruno longs to be an explorer and decides that there must be more to this desolate new place than meets the eye. While exploring his new environment, he meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different to his own, and their meeting results in a friendship that has devastating consequences.

*I can't wait to get started on these books, they each sound amazing! I've been dying to read Forbidden for such a long time and now I have it, so happy :3
I also have Eragon coming in the mail which I got from Random Buzzers, so should be here sometime next week,  I can't wait for that!


  1. I've been dying to read Forbidden, too. I'm wondering if I will love it, or hate it!

  2. Great books! Forbidden is absolutely amazing, even though it is incredibly sad.

    New follower :)

    My Mailbox

  3. Forbidden looks awesome! I love the cover. I hope you enjoy all you got!

    Here's my IMM!

  4. Hah, thanks guys!
    I haven't started Zombie VS Unicorns but, at the moment I'm also TEAM ZOMBIE ;3

  5. Great set! I really want to read Zombies v. Unicorns. Forbidden too.
    My IMM

  6. Zombies Vs Unicorns is awesome so I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading! :)

  7. I haven't read any Jodi Picoult books yet but hope to get to it someday ... enjoy!

  8. Hi! New follower. I haven't read Forbidden yet, but want too. I also want Zombies vs. Unicorns - I prefer zombie unicorns :-)

    Christy @ Love of Books

    I also have a giveaway going on


  9. Jodi Picoult is an amazing writer, you should read My Sister's Keeper, it's so good!
    And thanks guys!

  10. I LOVED Forbidden!!! so socking and it hurts to think about it! but Wow, just WOW hope you love it!!
    and thank you for stopping by my IMM ;)

  11. Ah, I really hope I do!
    Hah, no problem ;3
