Monday, July 4, 2011

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger -Review

Title: The Time Traveler’s Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Page Number: 546
Genre: Fiction
Synopsis: On the surface, Henry and Clare Detamble are a normal couple living in Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. Henry works at the Newberry Library and Clare creates abstract paper art, but the cruel reality is that Henry is a prisoner of time. It sweeps him back and forth at its leisure, from the present to the past, with no regard for where he is or what he is doing. It drops him naked and vulnerable into another decade, wearing an age-appropriate face. In fact, it’s not unusual for Henry to run into the other Henry and help him out of a jam. Sound unusual? Imagine Clare Detamble’s astonishment at seeing Henry dropped stark naked into her parents’ meadow when she was only six. Though, of course, until she came of age, Henry was always the perfect gentleman and gave young Clare nothing but his friendship as he dropped in and out of her life. (

My Review: I was actually pleasantly surprised when I started reading this book. I got a couple pages in and knew I would really enjoy it. It definitely gives you the missing puzzles pieces you can’t find when watching the film and ulimately I thought the film was disappointing compared to the book.

Henry and Clare’s relationship is just so lustful and filled with love it’s hard not to ship them till the end. They are perfect for each other and Niffenegger is an amazing writer. Her words are poetic and deep and meaningful. This book is just so beautiful. There are some reviews I’ve read bashing the book from the core but I don’t understand how such a poetic, beautifully written novel COULDN’T be praised. I cannot express in words how amazing this book was and it might just be my favorite book of all time.

My Rating: 5/5 -Favorite ♥

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