Sunday, December 11, 2011

In My Mailbox (8)

In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, where you post the books you've recieved for review, bought, borrowed, traded, or got from the library!

What I got this week:

You guys don't need an explanation for Lord of the Rings, right?! ;)

Well, my darling mother bought me this box set of The Lord of the Rings. It's the exact same one as in the picture.
I would have liked it better if the cover didn't have the movie tie-in thing going on in but I'm not going to complain because I finally have them >:) I have never fully seen the movies from beginning to end, so it's nice that'll get to read the books first.

That's all I got this week!

What's in your mailbox? :)


  1. Wow, you haven't seen the full movies yet?! That's awesome - I love reading the books first too! Happy Reading! <3
    My Mailbox

  2. I love a box set! But I agree with you about movie covers... I always like covers with art on them better.

  3. Ohh, I put that on my amazon wishlist a while ago LOL. I really want them, but with the regular covers. I don't like movie covers either. I LOVE the movies. Can't believe you haven't watched them! I like reading the books before watching the movies though so you're right, at least you'll get to read them before watching the movies. Great haul. Thanks for stopping by :0)
