Friday, August 5, 2011

Don't Breathe A Word -Review

Title: Don't Breathe A Word
Author: Jennifer McHahon
Page Number: 447
Genre: General/Adult Fiction
Synopsis: One summer night in Vermont, 12-year-old Lisa went into the woods behind her house and never came out again. Before she disappeared, she told her little brother Sam about a door that led to a magical place where she would meet the King of the Fairies and become his queen.

Fifteen years later, Phoebe is in love with Sam , a practical, sensible man who doesn’t fear the dark and doesn’t have bad dreams—who, in fact, helps Phoebe ignore her own. But suddenly they are faced with a series of eerie, unexplained occurrences that challenge Sam’s hard-headed, realistic view of the world. As they question their reality, a terrible promise Sam made years ago is revealed and could destroy them all.

My Review: One word: WOW.
Don't Breathe A World is like nothing I've read before.
From the very first pages you know this is going to be an eerie and ominous book.  It is the first book that I have read by Jennifer McMahon and I was definitely not disappointed.

The writing is very well. I could not put the book down, even when dark decended. I should have though, because this is most definitely NOT a bedtime story. If you want to have possible nightmares, be my guest and read it at night, but I just couldn't. The ominous feel and creepy happenings were just always in my head after I finished reading it and I couldn't help but think about them before I went to sleep, and I wanted my good night sleep.

I'm not saying it was a bad book, because it's the opposite. I really enjoyed it and the characters were very well written.

While reading I just kept picturing the outcome of everything, I had so much ways it would have ended and what would have happended, that when it came to the end I was just like "Wait, what?"
The ending was a possible outcome in my head but then something else happened that made me say "Woah"
I just feel like there could be a possible sequel? Series? I hope so, because the ending felt unresolved and I want to know what else happens afterward.

Overall, I really enjoyed it and I recommend it!

My Rating:  5/5 - Asolutely loved it! Favorite ♥

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